“Theoretical Study of Transverse-Longitudinal Emittance Coupling”, H. Qin, R. C. Davidson, M. Chung, J. J. Barnard and T. F. Wang, Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, 758 (2011).
“Masking the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment (PTSX) Ion Source to Modify the Transverse Distribution Function and Study Beam Stability and Collective Oscillations”, E. P. Gilson, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, R. Majeski, E.A. Startsev and H. Wang, Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, 1618 (2011).
“Development of an Advanced Barium ion Source for a Laser-Induced-Fluorescence Diagnostic on the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment (PTSX)” H. Wang, R. C. Davidson, E. P. Gilson, P. C. Efthimion and R. Majeski, Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, 1996 (2011).
“Planned Experiments on the Princeton Advanced Test Stand”, A. Stepanov, E.P. Gilson, R.C. Davidson, L. Grisham, and I. Kaganovich, Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, 1707 (2011).
“Numerical and Analytical Studies of Matched Kinetic Quasi-equilibrium Solutions for an Intense Charged Particle Beam Propagating Through a Periodic Focusing Quadrupole Lattice”, E. A. Startsev, R. C. Davidson and M. Dorf, Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, 56 (2011).
“Effects Of Errors in Velocity Tilt on the Maximum Longitudinal Compression During Neutralized Drift Compression of Intense Beam Pulses”, I, Kaganovich, R. C. Davidson, E. A. Startsev, S. Massidda, and A. Friedman, Proceedings of the 2011 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2038 (2011).
“Stability Properties of the Electron Return-Current for Intense Ion Beam Propagation Through Background Plasma”, E. A. Startsev, R. C. Davidson and V. N. Khudik, Laser and Particle Beams 29, 269 (2011).
“A Spectral Method for Halo Particle Definition in Intense Mismatched beams” M. A. Dorf, R. C. Davidson and E. A. Startsev, Physics of Plasmas 18, 043109 (2011).
“Generalized Courant-Snyder Theory and Kapchinskij-Vladimirskij Distribution for High-Intensity Beams in a Coupled Transverse Focusing Lattice”, H. Qin and R. C. Davidson, Physics of Plasmas 18, 056708 (2011).
"Collective Focusing of Intense Ion Beam Pulses for High Energy Density Physics Applications", M. A. Dorf, I. D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Physics of Plasmas 18, 033106 (2011).
“Self-Similar Nonlinear Dynamical Solutions for One-Component Nonneutral Plasma in a Time-Dependent Linear Focusing Field”, H. Qin and R. C. Davidson, Physics of Plasmas 18, 084502 (2011).
“Centroid and Envelope Dynamics of High-Intensity Charged Particle Beams in an External Focusing Lattice and Oscillating Wobbler for Heavy Ion Fusion”, H. Qin, R. C. Davidson and B. G. Logan, Laser and Particle Beams 29, 365 (2011).
“Thin foil transformation into liquid droplets due to the Rayleigh-Taylor instability in NDCX-1 experiments,” I. D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, High Energy Density Physics 7, 343 (2011).
“Nonlinear Evolution of the Weibel Instability in Relativistic Electron Beams”, G. Shvets, O. Polomarov, V. Khudik, C. Siemon and I. Kaganovich, Phys. Plasmas 16, 056701 (2009).
“Breakdown of Space-Charge-Limited Regime of a Sheath in a Weakly Collisional Plasma Bounded by Walls with Secondary Electron Emission”, D. Sydorenko, I. Kaganovich, Y. Raitses and A. Smolyakov, Physical Review Lettters 103, 145004 (2009).
"Theoretical Models for Describing Longitudinal Bunch Compression
in the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment",
A. B. Sefkow and R. C. Davidson, Physical Review Special Topics on
Accelerators and Beams 9, 090101 (2006).
"Transverse Compression of an Intense Ion Beam Propagating through an Alternating-Gradient Quadrupole Lattice",
M. Dorf, R. C. Davidson and E. A. Startsev, Physical Review Special Topics on Accelerators and Beams 9, 034202 (2006).
"An Exact Invariant of Charged Particle Gyromotion",
H. Qin and R. C. Davidson, Physical Review Letters 96, 085033 (2006).
"Scaling and Formulary of Cross Sections for Ion-Atom Impact Ionization",
I. D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, New Journal of
Physics 8, 278 (2006).
"Two-Stream Instability for a Longitudinally-Compressing Charged Particle Beam",
E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Physics of Plasmas 13, 062108 (2006).
"A Fast Faraday Cup to Measure Neutralized Drift Compression in Intense Ion Charge Bunches",
A. B. Sefkow, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, E. P. Gilson, S. S. Yu, P. K. Roy, F. M. Bieniosek, J. E. Coleman, S. Eylon, W. G.
Greenway, E. Henestroza, J. W. Kwan, D. L. Vanecek, W. L. Waldron and D. R. Welch, Physical Review Special Topics on Accelerators
and Beams 9, 052801 (2006).
"Observed Energy Amplification and Beam Bunching in a Pulse Line Ion Accelerator", P. K. Roy, W. L. Waldron, S. S. Yu, J. E. Coleman, E. Henestroza, D. P. Grote, D. Baca, F. M. Bieniosek, R. J. Briggs, R. C. Davidson, S. Eylon, A Friedman, W. G. Greenway, M. Leitner, B. G. Logan, L. L. Reginato and P. A. Seidl, Physical Review Special Topics on Accelerators and Beams 9, 07042 (2006).
"Symmetries and Invariants of the Oscillator
Equation and the Envelope Equation with Time-Dependent Frequency",
H. Qin and R. C. Davidson, Physical Review Special Topics on
Accelerators and Beams 9, 054001 (2006).
"Experimental Simulations of Beam Propagation Over Large Distances in a Compact Linear Paul Trap", E. P. Gilson, M. Chung,
R. C. Davidson, M. Dorf, P. C. Efthimion and R. Majeski, Physics of Plasmas 13,
056705 (2006).
"U.S. Heavy Ion Beam Research for High Energy Density Physics Applications and Fusion", R.C. Davidson, B.G. Logan and J.J. Barnard, Journal de Physique 133, 731 (2006).
"Drift Compression of a Neutralized Ion
Beam", P. K. Roy, S. S. Yu, E. Henestroza, A.
Anders, F. M. Bieniosek, J. Coleman, S. Eylon, W. G. Greenway, M.
Leitner, B. G. Logan and W. L. Waldron, D. R. Welch and C. Thoma, A. B.
Sefkow, E. Gilson, P. C. Efthimion and R. C. Davidson, Physical Review
Letter 95, 234801 (2005).
"Anisotropy-Driven Collective Instability in
Intense Charged Particle Beams", E.A. Startsev, R.C. Davidson and
H. Qin, Physical Review Special Topics in Accelerators and Beams
8, 124201 (2005).
"Theory of Resistive Hose Instability in
Intense Charged Particle Beams Propagating Through Background Plasma
with Low Electron Collision Frequency", H.S. Uhm and R. C.
Davidson, IEEE Transactions in Plasma Science 33, 1395 (2005).
"Electron Plasma Expansion Rate Studies on the Electron
Diffusion Gauge Experimental Device", K. A. Morrison, S. F. Paul and R. C.
Davidson, Physics of Plasmas 12, 072310 (2005).
Description of Neutralized Drift Compression and
Transverse Focusing of Intense Ion Charge Bunches", R. C. Davidson and H. Qin,
Physical Review Special Topics on Accelerators and Beams 8,
"Numerical Studies of Electromagnetic Instabilities
in Intense Charged Particle Beams with Large Energy
Anisotropy", E. A. Startsev, W. W. Lee and R. C.
Davidson, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator
Conference, 3780 (2005).
Plasma Source for Heavy Ion Beam Charge Neutralization", P. C Efthimion, E. P.
Gilson, L. Grisham, R. C. Davidson, S.S. Yu, W. Waldron, and B. G. Logan,
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2452
Delta-f Particle Simulations of Collective Effects in High-Intensity 3D
Bunched Beams", H. Qin, R. C. Davidson and E. A. Startsev, Proceedings of
the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2107 (2005).
Quantum-Mechanical - Semi-Classical Model for evaluating Ionization
Stripping Cross-Sections in Ion-Atom Collisions", I.D. Kaganovich, E. A.
Startsev, R. C. Davidson, S. R. Kecskemeti and A. Bin-Nun, Proceedings of
the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 1988 (2005).
Weibel and Two-Stream Instabilities for Intense Ion Beam Propagation Through
Background Plasma", R. C. Davidson, E. A. Startsev, I. D. Kaganovich and H.
Qin, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference,
1952 (2005).
Beam Pulse Interaction with Background Plasma in a Solenoidal Magnetic Field",
I. D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Proceedings of the
2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2062 (2005).
Long-Distance Propagation of Intense Beams in the Paul Trap Simulator
Experiment (PTSX)", E. P Gilson, M. Chung, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, R.
Majeski and E. A. Startsev, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator
Conference, 2491 (2005).
and Invariants of the Envelope Equation", H. Qin and R. C. Davidson,
Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2315
of Laser-Induced Fluorescence Diagnostic for the Paul Trap Simulator
Experiment (PTSX)", M. Chung, E. P. Gilson, R. C. Davidson, P.C. Efthimion,
R. Majeski and E. A. Startsev, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle
Accelerator Conference, 2878 (2005).
Collective Instabilities in Intense Charged Particle Beams", E. A. Startsev,
R. C. Davidson and H. Qin, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator
Conference, 558 (2005).
Fast Faraday Cup for the Neutralized Drift Compression Experiment (NDCX)", A.
B. Sefkow, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, E. P. Gilson, S. S. Yu, P.
K. Roy, S. Eylon, F. M. Bieniosek, E. Henestroza, J. W. Kwan, J. E. Coleman,
W. L. Waldron, W. G. Greenway, D. L. Vanecek, and D. R. Welch, Proceedings
of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 3765 (2005).
Compressed Ion Beams for High Energy Density Science", A. Friedman, C.M.
Celata, R.C. Davidson, R.J. Briggs, D.V. Rose, et el., Proceedings of the
2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 339 (2005).
"Accelerator and Ion Beam Tradeoffs for Studies of Warm Dense Matter", J.J. Barnard, R.J. Briggs, D. A. Callahan, R. C. Davidson, A Friedman, L. Grisham, E.P. Lee, R. W. Lee, B. G. Logan, C. L. Olson, D. V. Rose, P. Santhanam, A. M Sessler, J. W. Staples, M Tabak, D. R. Welch, J. S.Wurtele and S. S. Yu, Proceedings of the 2005 Particle Accelerator Conference, 2568 (2005).
Cross Sections for Ion-Atom Collisions in High Energy Ion Beams ", I. D.
Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev, R. C. Davidson, S. R. Kecskemiti, A. Bin-Nun, D.
Mueller, L. Grisham, R. L. Watson, V. Horvat, K. E. Zaharakis, and Y. Peng,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544, 91 (2005).
Dimensional Simulation Studies of Temperature Anisotropy Instability in
Intense Charged Particle Beams ", E. A. Startsev, R.C. Davidson and H. Qin,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544, 125 (2005).
of Long-Distance Beam Propagation in the Paul Trap Simulator Experiment ", E.
P. Gilson, M. Chung, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, R. Majeski and E. A.
Startsev, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544,
171 (2005).
Compression and Final Focus Options for Heavy Ion Fusion", H. Qin, R. C.
Davidson, J.J. Barnard and E.P. Lee, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research A544, 255 (2005).
of a One-Meter Plasma Source for Heavy Ion Beam Charge Neutralization", P.C.
Efthimion, E.P. Gilson, R. C. Davidson, S. S. Yu and B. G. Logan, Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544, 378 (2005).
Beam Pulse Neutralization by a Background Plasma in a Solenoidal Magnetic
Field", I.D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev, R. C. Davidson and D. R. Welch,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544, 383 (2005).
Fluorescence Diagnostic of Barium Ion Plasmas in the Paul Trap Simulator
Experiment", M. Chung, E.P. Gilson, R. C. Davidson, P.C. Efthimion, R. Majeski
and E.A. Startsev, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
A544, 514 (2005).
Particle Trajectories in High-Intensity Finite-Length Charge Bunches", S.R.
Hudson, H. Qin and R.C. Davidson, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics
Research A544, 458 (2005).
Electromagnetic Darwin Model for Intense Charged Particle Beams", W.W. Lee,
R.C. Davidson, E.A. Startsev and H. Qin, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in
Physics Research A544, 353 (2005).
of United States Heavy Ion Fusion Program", B.G. Logan, J. J. Barnard, R. C.
Davidson, C. M. Celata, A. Friedman, J. W. Kwan, S.S. Yu, P. Seidl, D.R.
Welch, R. Kishek, et al., Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research
A544, 1 (2005).
of Beam Emittance Growth from the Collective Relaxation of Space-Charge
Nonuniformities", S. M. Lund, D. P. Grote, E. P. Lee and R. C. Davidson,
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544, 472 (2005).
Evaluation of Negative-Ion Source for a Heavy Ion Fusion Driver", L R.
Grisham, S. K. Hahto, S. T. Hahto, J. W. Kwan and K. N Leung, Nuclear
Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A544, 216 (2005).
"Survey of Collective Instabilities and Beam-Plasma
Interactions for Heavy Ion Beams", R. C. Davidson, I Kaganovich, H. Qin, E. A.
Startsev, D. R. Welch, D. V. Rose and H. S. Uhm, Physical Review Special
Topics on Accellerators and Beams 7, 114801 (2004).
"Analytical Solutions for the Nonlinear Drift Compression
(Expansion) of Intense Charged Particle Beams", E. A. Startsev and R. C.
Davidson, New Journal of Physics 6, 141 (2004).
"Scaling of Cross Sections for Ion-Impact Ionization", I.D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, submitted for publication (2004).
"Drift Compression and Final Focus for Intense Heavy Ion Beams with
Non-periodic, Time-Dependent Lattice", H. Qin, R. C. Davidson, J. J. Barnard
and E. P. Lee, Physical Review Special Topics on Accelerators and Beams 7,
104201 (2004).
of Transverse Conductivity on Transverse Instabilities in High-Intensity Ion
Beams", H. S. Uhm and R. C. Davidson, IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
32, 440 (2004).
"Design and Characterization of a Neutralized-Transport
Experiment for Heavy Ion Fusion",
E. Henestroza, S. Eylon, P. K. Roy, S. S. Yu, A. Anders, F. M. Bieniosek, W.
G. Greenway, B. G. Logan, R. A. MacGill, D. B. Shuman, D. L. Vanecek, W. L.
Waldron, W. M. Sharp, T. L. Houck, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, E. P.
Gilson, A. B. Sefkow, D. R. Welch, D. V. Rose and C. L. Olson, Physical Review
Special Topics - Accelerators and Beams,
083501 (2004).
"Results on Intense Beam Focusing and Neutralization from
the Neutralized Beam Experiment", P. K. Roy, S. S. Yu, S. Eylon, E. Henestroza,
A. Anders, F. M. Bieniosek, W. G. Greenway, B. G. Logan, D.L. Vanecek, D. R.
Welch, D. V. Rose, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion, E. P. Gilson, A. B. Sefkow,
and W.M. Sharp, Physics of Plasmas 11, 2890 (2004).
and Numerical Studies of the Complex Interaction of a Fast Ion Beam Pulse with
a Background Plasma", I. D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Physica Scripta, T107, 54 (2004).
"Paul Trap Simulator Experiment to Simulate
Intense Beam Propagation in Alternating Gradient Transport Systems", E. P.
Gilson, R. C. Davidson, P. C. Efthimion and R. Majeski, Phys. Rev. Lett.
92, 155002 (2004).
"Scaling Cross Sections for Ion-Atom Impact Ionization",
I. D. Kaganovich, E. A. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Physics of
Plasmas 11,
1229 (2004).
"Plasma Neutralization Models for Intense Ion Beam Transport in Plasma"
I. D. Kaganovich, E. A.
Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Proceedings of the 2003 Particle
Accelerator Conference, 2975 (2003).
"Nonlinear Charge and Current Neutralization of an Intense Ion Beam Pulse in a Preformed Plasma," I. D. Kaganovich, G. Shvets, E. Startsev and R. C. Davidson, Phys. Plasmas 8, 4180 (2001).(for PostScript)
"Kinetic Theory for Antihydrogen Recombination Schemes," R. H. Stowell, Ph. D. Thesis, Princeton University (2005).
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