What is nonneutral plasma?
A nonneutral plasma is a many-body collection of charged particles in which there isn't overall charge neutrality.
Such systems are characterized by intense self-electric fields (space-charge fields), and in high-current configurations by intense self-magnetic fields.
Examples of nonneutral plasma systems include:
One-component nonneutral plasmas confined in a Malmberg-Penning trap or a Paul trap.
Intense charged particle beams and charge bunches
in high energy accelerators, transport lines, and storage rings.
Coherent radiation sources (magnetrons, gyrotrons, free electron lasers).
Develop advanced analytical and numerical models describing
the nonlinear dynamics and collective processes in intense nonneutral
beams in periodic focusing accelerators and transport systems,with emphasis
Heavy ion fusion.
High energy and nuclear physics applications.
Experimental and theoretical studies of heavy ion beam
propagation on and beam-plasma interactions in the target chamber.
Basic experimental and theoretical investigations of nonneutral
plasmas confined in a Malmberg-Penning trap (ONR)and a Paul trap (OFES).
PPPL Staff: R. C. Davidson, P. Efthimion, E. Gilson, L.
Grisham, P. Heitzenroeder, C. Jun, I. Kaganovich, R. Majeski, W. W. Lee,
S. F. Paul, C. K. Phillips, H. Qin, E. Startsev, and S. Tzenov.
Graduate Students: M. Chung and A. B. Sefkow.