Manuscript Submission and Conference Proceedings for the 2004 International
Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial Fusion
The Proceedings of the 2004 International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial
Fusion will be published as a Special Issue of Nuclear Instruments and
Methods in Physics Research - Section A.
To be accepted for publication, a manuscript must meet the high standards of
the journal regarding quality and originality of research, grammatical standards,
and format. To make certain this is the case, each manuscript will be evaluated
by two Referees, whose reports will guide the Guest Editors' recommendations
for acceptance, improvements and revisions, or rejection.
Due to a 600 page limit for the Special Issue, the page limits will be 4
journal pages for contributed poster papers, and 6 journal pages for invited,
oral papers.
The deadline for manuscript submission is June 7 - 11, 2004, the week of
the Symposium. Authors are required to submit three hard copies of their manuscript
plus one electronic (disc) copy at the time of the Symposium.
Dr. Edward P. Lee, Dr. Hong Qin and Dr. Arthur Molvik are Guest Editors
for the Symposium Proceedings.
The key point-of-contact for manuscript submission for the 2004 Symposium is:
Dr. Edward P. Lee
c/o Ms. Lynn Heimbucher
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
I Cyclotron Road, Building 47
Berkeley, California, USA 94720-8201
Telephone: 510-486-7345
Fax: 510-486-5392
The addresses for Guest Editors Dr. Hong Qin and Dr. Arthur Molvik are:
Dr. Hong Qin
Plasma Physics Laboratory
Princeton University
P.O. Box 451
Sayer Drive at Route 1
Princeton, New Jersey, USA 08543
Telephone: 609-243-3310
Dr. Arthur Molvik
Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
P.O. Box 808
Livermore, California, USA 94551
Telephone: 925-422-9817
Complete drafts of all papers must be submitted at the Symposium (June 7-11,
2004), including three hard copies and an electronic (disc) copy. To be considered
for publication in the Proceedings, a paper must be presented at the Symposium
(orally, or as a poster, as determined by the Program Committee).
As noted above, due to a 600 page limit for the Special Issue, the maximum
length of papers must be limited: 4 pages for contributed poster papers, and
6 journal pages for invited oral papers (including figures). If a few months
before the Symposium it appears that there will be a page overrun, authors may
be asked to reduce somewhat the length of their papers.
To meet a September, 2004, deadline for submission of the accepted manuscripts
to Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, the review process
will begin during the Symposium (many of the Referees will be present) and will
be completed within several weeks. Authors and Referees should be prepared to
communicate with an assigned Guest Editor during the four week period
following the Symposium.