Dr. William Herrmannsfeldt
and Dr. Steven Lund will serve as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Scientific
Program Committee for the 2004 International Symposium on Heavy Ion Inertial
Fusion, and Dr. Edward Lee will be Editor for the Symposium Proceedings. Abstracts for the
2004 Symposium should be limited to one page. The deadline for
abstract submission is February 1, 2004 The key point-of-contact
for abstract submission for the 2004 Symposium is: Dr. Steven M. Lund HIF2004_abstract_template.tex
(LaTeX version) There should be no changes in margins, font sizes, or font styles in the abstracts
produced by these templates, and the length is limited to one page. Accepted
abstracts will be printed one per page for inclusion in a Book of Abstracts
to be distributed at the 2004 symposium. You are encouraged to also attach your
abstract input file (.tex, .doc, or .sxw format) in case of format/printing
problems. If difficulties are encountered, please contact Dr.
Steven M. Lund at smlund@lbl.gov .